
Showing posts from June, 2020

Prime Scholar International School: A School Where Young Minds Inquire and Grow

Education  plays an important role in an  individual's success in life. It shapes  the youth's personality and  identity. It is the classroom environment that prompts thought and discussion and encourages internalizing by a student. As time goes by, you reflect upon the teachers and classes which challenged you and spurred you on to greater and higher things.  It is the dream of every parent to send his child to the best possible school. In fact, the moment the euphoria of childbirth subsides, then parents start worrying about their child’s school even when the child is still in his diapers. Such is the pressure of securing admission in schools on Dwarka expressway , that parents leave no stone unturned in meeting all the admission criteria. In spite of paying careful attention to every minor detail and going out of their way to fulfill each criterion, admission can still not be guaranteed. This is because the admission criteria are designed to exclude more people than t